Jenn Baljko encourages people to discover the intersection where fierce awakenings and Joy Journeying meet so they can rebuild and resource more confidence, courage, freedom, resiliency, strength, and wonder.
As the founder of Always on My Way, Jenn combines movement, meditation, making/crafting, and mindful musing practices that help people (particularly women) recalibrate what compassion, contentment, playful creative expression, and curiosity look and feel like in their minds, hearts, bodies, and spirits. With her mindful writing mentor hat on, she draws on nearly 30 years of journalism and writing experience along with the lessons learned from extensive global travel (including a 3.5-year walk across Asia and Europe) to spark meaningful conversations and guide genuine, heart-felt personal growth through storytelling.
A meditator for more than a decade, Jenn deepened her practice in 2020 by completing her Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training with Buddhist senior teacher David Nichtern, in conjunction with Tibet House in New York City. In the spring of 2021, she created, produced, and hosted The Fierce Awakened Woman Global Online Conference featuring 22 speakers, leaders, visionaries, luminaries, and creatives. A similar conference is planned for spring 2022.
She became Femme! Attuned in the fall of 2021. She facilitates this beautiful body of work with the hope that it will allow more people to follow their individual intuition, imagination, and inspiration.