TEACHING STYLE: Enthusiastic, Compassionate, Quirky.
ON ROTATION: Beyoncé, Daddy Yankee, Rihanna, Snap!, Taylor Swift, Meghan Trainor, Ginuwine, Agape International Choir
WORDS TO LIVE BY: "When you make loving others the story of your life, there's never a final chapter because the legacy continues. You lend your light to one person and he or she shines it on another and another and another." Oprah Winfrey
INSTANT JOY: Connecting with friends. Following my intuition and watching the synchronicities line up and dance into my life, making everything easier.
NON-NEGOTIABLE: Space for authenticity
OF WHAT, ARE YOU SURE? That LOVE is the answer. And it starts with Self-Love
FEMME! FAVORITES: My favourite thing about Femme! is the Emotional Tour™️; bite sized semi-guided movement explorations of different emotions. For me, it's an opportunity to not just make peace with disowned emotions but also to embrace the gifts that they hold. Some of the treasure that I’ve uncovered during my own Femme! journey includes increased self confidence, a greater sense of peace, improved relationships with family and friends. Yes, all that and more from connecting to my body, my emotions and movement!
After attending her first two Femme! Experiences in New York in 2017, Hev knew that she wanted to train to lead classes so that she could bring this powerful, empowering, enjoyable, profound, sensual, healing movement practice to Europe. One of her very real pleasures in life is sharing anything that she discovers that might make being a human more joyful, more harmonious, more pleasurable and EASIER. Femme! is one of the most profound tools that she's discovered that offers an opportunity for ALL of that.