Important Links

Please use this link to upload your Femme! Teacher Profile.


When you have an upcoming Femme! Experience that you're leading, we would love to feature the class on the Femme! website and through our marketing platforms such as our e-newsletter and via social media. We also work with a PR company and when press opportunities present themselves, it means we have a lot more views on our main website, Therefore, please remember to submit your upcoming Femme! Experiences.  If your classes are listed, it provides ongoing marketing for your Femme! Experiences and your brand as well. (If you are teaching private group Femme! Experiences, please email me separately, as there is a way to highlight those with discretion.)


Please submit your PUBLIC classes via the submission form.
Please do not email your class submissions. 
The submission form ensures that you submit ALL of the information that we need and it ensures EVERYONE who needs to access upcoming classes, are able to find the information in one location. Use the form each time you have a class! It’s very important.

If you haven't done so already, begin planning out your teaching schedule for this year and when those details have been finalized, be sure to get that information to us. The sooner you send in your information, the more we are able to market and promote your classes.


For more Femme! Marketing Resources, please see this page.
For information on Creating a Femme! Experience, please see this page.


Social Media Graphics: Quotes to Live By


TEI Stock Photography