The Emotional Tour Experience Logistics Checklist

Choose a location venue 

  • Research local dance/yoga/creative studios, event spaces, halls, use your network 

  • Typical pricing should be between $30 - $60 per hour (bigger spaces will be more - see if you can get a deal or discount if you plan to come back monthly)

  • Make a list of places near to you and keep it for future reference

  • Feel free to share your discoveries with the TEI Attuned group or submit it to ??? to add to the Teacher’s Library on our website.

  • Make sure location is comfortable and aware of live drumming 

  • Verify what type of AV/sound system are available or do you need to bring your own

Sprung wood floors are ideal for comfort (concrete & carpeted floor can be difficult to move on)

Choose a date / Confirm with venue 

  • Availability is Key - Choose a couple of dates in case the venue you love is not available on your first choice

Choose a drummer 

  • There are drummers listed in the Teacher’s Library in LA, SF, Salt Lake City, & New York 

  • Finding a Djembe drummer locally can be done through social media groups, platforms and networks such as Facebook, Meetup, Google, & Craigslist. Reach out to fellow TEI Attuned  

  • Confirm 

    • Dates

    • Time

    • Payment Method

List/Promote Your Event 

  • Use the event copy, TEI logos and/or branding photos from the Teacher’s Library 

  • Set up an Eventbrite listing (or any other site where you can take payment and be found in local listings) with your date/time/location information 

  • Set up a Facebook event page to promote your listing - Make sure to link to a payment site for sign up!  (Also utilize any social media platforms to promote your event)

  • Post your event in the TEI Attuned page so we can help you to promote

  • Submit your upcoming The Emotional Experience here: TourExperienceSubmissions

    • We will add your Experience on global calendar and share links on our marketing and social media platforms. 

  • Ask Friends & Family to share

Getting an Assistant

Either a fellow TEI Attuned or someone who you trust to support you with:

  • Arrive early to assist teacher with setup: 

    • Technical set up or volume control 

    • Registering in guests at the door 

    • Having guests sign liability waivers

  • Holding space energetically for the teacher & students 

  • Sporadically take part in class to keep the energy moving 

  • Keeping track of time 

  • Having guests join your mailing list 

  • Passing out supplies or needs for the non-dance portion of class 

  • Paying your drummer as they leave 

  • Reminder/Taking group photo

Insurance Requirement Example: 

  • Type: Professional and General Liability Application

  • Contact Info for Sports Fitness Insurance in Teachers Library 

  • Description:  Personal Trainer 

  • Limits: $500,000/$1,000,000


For more information on Creating The Emotional Tour Experience, please see this page.
For TEI Marketing Resources, please see this page.


Resources for Virtual Classes


TEI Experience Forms & Manual